Hello from Australia! We are having the best time (minus the start where the flight was rough with a sick toddler and the airlines losing our luggage for three days). It’s hard to be too mad when this is our view one minute from our beach cottage:
My soulfriend Lindsey is here for a week so it’s been extra fun with her here! I’m honestly a little nervous for when she leaves because three adults to one toddler feels like the perfect ratio.
Okay okay, I know you’re here to find out what sex organs are developing within my womb for baby #2!
I had my ultrasound the Monday we left and we asked the sonographer to keep it a secret. She did a little makeshift envelope and Ryan convinced me not to open it until we arrived in Australia. I thought about that envelope a few different times during the long and less-than-fun-flight so it was good motivation!
When Atlas went took a little snooze the day we got in, Ryan and I sat out on our porch and opened the envelope!
We are having a…
A HUMAN (first and foremost) and a little BOY!
We are super excited and Atlas is already an awesome big sister (though she keeps ‘calling’ her sister on her fake phone so we are working on it)! Although I’m a little freaked out because now I pay attention to little boys on playgrounds and whoa. They. Are. Wild.
It’s certainly going to be quite the adventure and we are so so so grateful and excited to be adding a little dude adventurer to the family!
Did I know? Kinda.
The first hint was that my skin isn’t as horrible as a teenage boy who rubs pizza on his face and never showers – like it was when I was pregnant with Atlas. The other clue/difference between pregnancies is that I have definitely been craving more salty things than sugary. Other than those two things, my pregnancies have pretty much been the same!
How did I tell my husband I was pregnant? That story here!
Name wise – we are sharing that his middle name will be Turner (my maiden name and all of our middle names) and last name Avery!
Okay, back to the beach (and not the 6 degree weather Colorado has been having)!
Did you have any inklings with your own pregnancy? I’m always fascinated by people’s guesses!
That’s what I guessed! I’m so happy for you guys!! A boy will be the perfect addition! Yay!! Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to hear what Baby WS name is once he arrives!!!
Congratulations on the new baby boy news!!! 🙂 I had a good feeling it was a girl, I can’t really explain why, just a “hunch” and my Mom (who is psychic about things like that) had no inkling and Jeremy was sure it was a boy. He is delighted that he was wrong.
Congratulations! I know I’m late to this blog post. I did know before reading this because of Instagram though. lol Anyway, I’m so excited for you guys!